Friday, February 6, 2009

trabajo en el hotel

Not much time to write as I am working in the restaurant right now, technically. We have only one set of customers, though, so Iºm making the most of it. They hail from Kalamazoo and South Haven, Michigan - go figure - very devoted to backpacking the authentic way and must be in their sixties, though you wouldnºt know it. Life, while fairly relaxed, has not been easy the first few days. Working in the restaurant with very little spanish has been hard, and the manager, senora raquel, is no picnic. There is very little instruction so iºm learning by making mistakes, and being scolded in rapid-fire spanish for anything else that goes wrong around here: wrong orders, missing food, dirty dishes, you name it. Iºm not letting it get to me though - restaurants are the same everywhere. This may be a developing nation, but the pride people take in running a business es la misma... switching into spanish without knowing it is my new favorite surprise...

The picture of the Rio Dulce is straight out from the restaurant which is on a dock over the river, and the shot from the top of the bridge is half way between Hotel Backpackers and Fronteras, the small town nearby. Today, Rita, a volunteer, and Nerri, a traveler from Israel, and I went to Finca Paraiso. An hour by bus and a short hike opens to a gorge with icy water, and a waterfall fed by super hot! hot springs. It was phenomenally beautiful and exhilarating, and very nice to be away from the hostel for a few hours. The other two volunteers, Claudine from South Africa is the other, both head to the casa to begin work tomorrow. Iºm hoping someone new comes soon, but if not, the wonderful thing about travel is that people are always interested in making new friends. It was wonderful to arrive and immediately meet a dozen or more people who donºt think this is a crazy adventure, just normal. Iºm usually the least travelled of everyone I meet!

Iºve got some amazing pictures to share already, but as the internet only works occasionally, I wasnºt able to upload them today. More to come...

Despite the boredom of working in a restuarant and feeling confined to the hostel, Iºm appreciating the time i have for reflection before the craziness of 250 kids happens - but i canºt wait!!!

I had hoped this would be a better entry, had jotted some interesting things down to share with you all, but wasnºt able to get my book, and time is limited. Itºs also partly the terrible cold Iºve been fighting for a couple days clouding my head - itºs cold here! Nearly everyone is underprepared for the wind and rain and I definitely should have brought a blanket!

Iºm certainly making due, though, and very very glad to be experiencing Guatemala - a truly wonderful country with very open and caring people. Some of those people are the employees here at the hostel, who work with us everyday on our spanish, with a few english lessons for them. People are beginning to understand me and enter willingly into conversation, love it!

Canºt possibly get into words how much i miss friends and family, but also canºt get away from the feeling that Iºm doing the right thing with my life right now.

love and peace to you



  1. Wow, Sar, what a big adventure. It sounds like you are going to have some AWESOME stories over the coming weeks. I can't wait to read all about it! Tell me more about the food! When the internet is up, of course :) LOVE YOU!

  2. Big tips at the restaurant? (I didn't really think so!) Sounds like as good a way to learn Spanish as any.

  3. Hola muchacha.
    Well it certainly is very interesting to read about your adventures so keep up with the details..we are very proud of you here at the Parkshore.I'm keeping the rest of the guys up with your travels and keep up the great trabajo and keep us up to date..
